Chocolate mug cakes and the cold!

Hello my beautiful readers!

Sorry things have been a bit quiet of late, I came down with the flu about 2 weeks ago and I'm still not feeling 100%... The change in season from Autumn to Winter usually has me come down with the flu, but as per usual, I have powered through and hopefully that should do me for sickness until next year!

Speaking of winter, so far this one has been pretty cold! You'd think I'd be getting into slow cooking some stews but I've just been trying to keep dinners simple and rest in the meantime!

The other night I felt like chocolate cake and we didn't have any so I tried to make a quick, easy chocolate mug cake. The idea is that you put all the cake ingredients for one serve into a coffee mug and then microwave it for a few minutes.

While it is simple and convenient and limits washing up, I don't think I'll be making this recipe again! The microwave gives it more of a dense, steamed pudding texture, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I don't think it can call itself a cake!

The recipe I used was;
4 Tbs plain flour
2 Tbs sugar
2 Tbs cocoa
1 egg
3 Tbs milk
2 Tbs oil
2 Tbs choc chips
Mix all together in the mug with a fork. Cook for 3 minutes, set aside to cool slightly before eating.

The changes I would make are;
Replace the 4 Tbs of plain flour with 3 Tbs of self raising flour (less flour so it doesn't rise too much)
Brown sugar instead of white
Only 1 Tbs of cocoa
2 Tbs of milk
1 Tbs of melted butter instead of oil
Same cooking process.

Looks like a soufflé!


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