Hanger explained by science!!!
An article has recently been released that gives us a scientific explanation of what hanger is; basically in a nutshell it is when your blood sugar levels drop and your brain begins to perceive this as life-threatening. In the hunter-gatherer days, this would have benefited us as it would help us focus our attention on securing that tasty morsel and give us more motivation to seek food. But now, in the Western World of Abundance it's more of something you need to apologise for when you snap at an unsuspecting server at the Maccas drive-thru window. People close to me know that I'm generally a happy person. Except when I'm hangry. When I have passed the pangs of hunger and reached a point where everything seems to annoy me (usually my poor unsuspecting husband). I feel my blood sugar levels dropping and with them any human decency. I liken this change in mood to PMS, just a total, irrational anger that can only be cured by a large amount of carbohydrates. Preferably de...